Learn Our Personal Blueprint for Growing a Powerful Email List

Discover The Exact Strategy This Unknown Industry Outsider Leveraged To Rocket Himself to the #1 Authority Position


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you’re here because you’re

part of a marketing list

And guess what? That’s the exact reason why you're going to love what’s coming next.

You see, lists are everywhere – from email to social media to customer databases – they’re the foundation of every successful business. But the secret?

It’s not just about building a list… it’s about building a limitless list that continues to grow, engage, and convert.

Imagine having a list full of people who actually want to hear from you. A list that’s eager to open your emails, click your links, and take action on your offers.

This isn’t just wishful thinking – it’s completely doable when you know the right strategies.

That’s why I’m inviting you to join our Limitless List Building 5-Day Challenge.

Here's What You'll Unlock in

Our 5-Day List Building Challenge:

  • The Core Elements of a High-Converting Opt-In Form: Get the secrets behind crafting opt-ins that attract the right people to your business.

  • The Power of Color Psychology: Learn how specific colors impact your sign-up rates and why it matters.

  • Testing for Maximum Effectiveness: From logos to people and images, find out how to test and optimize your forms to get the best results.

  • What to Say and How to Say It: Discover the perfect balance between too much and too little text, so your message is always just right.

  • Form Placement for Maximum Visibility: Understand where to place your forms on your site and why “above the fold” can make all the difference.

  • Targeting the Right Audience: Learn how to attract the right people to your list, not just any people.

  • The 3 F’s That Drive Long-Term Success: Audience (Family), Funnel, Follow-Up – master these three elements and watch your list-building efforts soar.

And here’s the best part…

When you join the challenge, you’ll also get a 30-day free trial to the EXACT platform we use to build our email list—fully prefilled with plug-and-play funnels, opt-in forms, and email templates.

This powerful tool will make your list-building process faster and more efficient.

It’s a total game-changer for anyone serious about growing their audience quickly and easily.

Here's Whats Included:


  • 5 Days of Exclusive Training With Ty Cohen & Willie Laney

  • Founding Member Full Access To The "Make Money Monthly" Community

  • Exclusive Premium Access To Our "Limitless List" Challenge Workbook

  • Platinum Recording Bonus: Get Recordings of The Entire Event, Q&A Calls & All Bonus Sessions Fully Unlocked Regardless If You Attend LIVE or Not -

    Value $27.00

  • 5 VIP Post-Sessions Via Zoom With Ty Cohen & Willie Laney

  • ✅ Bonus #1: Get All of Your Questions Answered By Ty & Willie During The LIVE Q&A Sessions

  • ✅ Bonus #2: Get An Unlimited Free 1 Year Membership Access “The Money Morning Meetups” A Year Long Series of Morning Zoom Calls Designed To Give Both Your Personal & Business Life A QUANTUM LEAP! - Value $297

  • ✅ Bonus #3: Entered To Win A 1 Hour One on One Business Consult & Strategy Session With Either Ty or Willie To Map Out Your Exact Online Business Strategy & The Best Next Steps You Should Be Taking Right Now - Value $997.00


  • 5 Days of Exclusive Training With Ty Cohen & Willie Laney

  • Founding Member Full Access To The "Make Money Monthly" Community

  • Exclusive Premium Access To Our "Limitless List" Challenge Workbook

  • 5 VIP POST-Sessions Via Zoom With Ty Cohen & Willie Laney

  • Platinum Recording Bonus: Get Recordings of The Entire Event, Q&A Calls & All Bonus Sessions Fully Unlocked Regardless If You Attend LIVE or Not - Value $27.00

  • ✅ Bonus #1: Get All of Your Questions Answered By Ty & Willie During The LIVE Q&A Sessions

  • ✅ Bonus #2: Get An Unlimited Free 1 Year Membership Access “The Money Morning Meetups” A Year Long Series of Morning Zoom Calls Designed To Give Both Your Personal & Business Life A QUANTUM LEAP! - Value $297

  • ✅ Bonus #3: Entered To Win A 1 Hour One on One Business Consult & Strategy Session With Either Ty or Willie To Map Out Your Exact Online Business Strategy & The Best Next Steps You Should Be Taking Right Now - Value $997.00

So, why should you sign up?

Because you already know the power of lists. You’re on this list right now, and there’s a reason you’re still reading. You’re curious, engaged, and maybe even a little excited to see what’s next.

Now imagine having your own list full of people feeling the same way about your offers.

That’s what the Limitless List Building 5-Day Challenge is all about.

Don’t wait. Spots are limited, and this challenge could be the turning point that takes your business to the next level.

Meet Your Challenge Hosts

Ty Cohen & Willie Laney

Unlike most coaches, course creators & marketers - Ty Cohen & Willie Laney actually "do" what they teach. It's no secret - Most "gurus" only make money selling their products & courses.

Rarely, if ever, have they actually done what they claim to teach & that's exactly why so many students fail! But NOT here! We're proud to say that we make a living doing the EXACT business we are going to share with you on this 5 day Challenge .


Add Your Headline Title Here

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  • Benefit: Our products are delivered immediately

  • Feature: Explain the benefit of your products

  • Icon: Change the icons in the settings


Add Your Headline Title Here

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  • Benefit: Our products are delivered immediately

  • Feature: Explain the benefit of your products

  • Icon: Change the icons in the settings


Mystery Guest

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  • Benefit: Our products are delivered immediately

  • Feature: Explain the benefit of your products

  • Icon: Change the icons in the settings


Celebrating Your Movement

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  • Benefit: Our products are delivered immediately

  • Feature: Explain the benefit of your products

  • Icon: Change the icons in the settings

Frequently Asked Questions

Who Is This Challenge For?

This challenge was designed for anyone who wants to learn how to build an online business.

Is This A Live Event?

Yes! You’ll be granted access to the Community where the sessions will take place and Zoom for VIP & Platinum access.

What If I Can't Make It Every Day?

No problem! Replays will be available.

© 2024 Micro-Offers 5 Day "Infinite Ads With AI" Challenge | All Rights Reserved.

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This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. Facebook is a trademark of Facebook, Inc. This Site And The Products And Services Offered On This Site Are Not Associated, Affiliated, Endorsed, Or Sponsored By Facebook, Google, Ebay, Amazon, Yahoo Or Bing Nor Have  They Been Reviewed Tested Or Certified By Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Ebay, Amazon, Or Bing. The Information Marketing 101 Academy, And Examples Shown In  This Presentation Do Not Represent An Indication Of Future Success Or Earnings. All Results Show In Our Presentation, Website,  Or Marketing Literature Are Not Typical Results. Average Results Are Unknown. 

DISCLAIMER: A portion of this content was created using A.I. but the final product reflects our expertise and standards.

Dear -------,

Sales Letter Copy Goes Here 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis mollis eleifend lacus, eget pellentesque leo. Praesent rhoncus a orci ac lobortis. Proin et nisi iaculis, vehicula nisl ut, vestibulum est. Nullam dui risus, porta eu sollicitudin eget, hendrerit non erat. Integer in pretium erat. Fusce eu ornare purus, ac posuere lectus. Etiam eget ultrices magna. Nulla ut ante ac sapien tempor vehicula nec ut leo. Donec vestibulum condimentum purus at faucibus.

Donec vehicula feugiat ante sit amet vulputate. Donec placerat pretium dictum. Nulla sed lacus aliquam elit congue cursus. Mauris elementum justo nec dolor semper, non placerat mi facilisis. Aliquam iaculis felis sit amet arcu facilisis feugiat. Praesent vitae sodales mauris, a gravida velit. Etiam imperdiet lacinia massa, vitae blandit nisi tempor in.

Morbi eu scelerisque nisl, sit amet pulvinar neque. Pellentesque vehicula risus quam, a venenatis augue condimentum at. Vivamus pharetra odio nec tortor consectetur, non venenatis turpis blandit. Nullam tincidunt pretium nisi, eget pulvinar tellus. Mauris sed odio sem. Quisque non ligula nec ligula ullamcorper elementum non vel ligula. Morbi id semper dolor. Phasellus sit amet mauris orci. Proin maximus lacus ac ex lobortis dignissim. Fusce mi libero, vulputate faucibus sem eu, venenatis dignissim arcu. Nam tempus, massa vel egestas dictum, mauris nulla sagittis est, nec posuere quam arcu maximus libero. Cras blandit, tellus placerat euismod pellentesque, arcu orci auctor sem, at pharetra libero nunc eget elit. Sed id placerat erat. Ut sit amet suscipit libero.

Praesent venenatis enim eget risus pharetra scelerisque. Vestibulum euismod mollis velit sit amet dapibus. In aliquet diam id ante facilisis accumsan. Sed gravida est et ex malesuada tincidunt. Sed eu nisl eros. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque fringilla erat a bibendum condimentum. In rhoncus massa quis metus fermentum, eu tempor lorem bibendum. Nullam lectus urna, rutrum non posuere a, malesuada mattis est. Nam facilisis vulputate ultrices. Duis sagittis risus et pulvinar ultrices. Nunc feugiat sagittis justo ut dapibus. Integer sed ipsum massa. Mauris sollicitudin, ipsum eu ullamcorper tincidunt, dolor ipsum venenatis sapien, eget fermentum risus quam sit amet velit.

Aenean et lacinia ipsum. Mauris ut condimentum turpis, vulputate efficitur velit. Proin ut risus lectus. Nunc volutpat turpis eget eros elementum, vel porttitor massa fringilla. Sed nibh massa, lacinia eu faucibus vitae, porta nec mi. Sed ac dui massa. In pulvinar tempus ipsum non viverra. Vivamus id metus nec ipsum egestas feugiat. Ut ullamcorper lacus vitae velit eleifend, vitae rutrum massa auctor. Vivamus eu arcu in lorem porttitor maximus vitae at risus. Fusce faucibus, diam eget venenatis pellentesque, ligula enim fringilla dolor, vitae dignissim odio elit vel enim. Etiam in nibh risus. Cras non enim dignissim, rutrum nunc vel, mollis lacus.


Testimonial Screenshots Go In This Section

Frequently Asked Questions

Who should sign up for the [Your Challenge Name] Challenge?

This challenge is for anyone who --- 

How Do I Get Access To The Challenge?

Explain your challenge process here

What if I can't be there live?

Explain your replay situation